Different Types of Braces: Which One is for Me

At Seabreeze Orthodontics, we know that getting started on correcting your smile is a big deal. You’ve probably heard of various different braces options, which can feel overwhelming. While personal preference plays a part in deciding your braces treatment, there are several other factors that Dr. Faja-Fernandez will consider when narrowing down the best treatments for you. First, let’s discuss the different types of braces and who they’re for!

What treatment options are available to me?

When it comes to braces, Seabreeze Orthodontics offers a variety of different treatments:

Metal Braces

Metal braces are the most commonly used type of braces and use metal brackets secured to each tooth, along with a flexible wire and rubber bands that help apply pressure. This is a practical choice for younger patients, as well as for anyone with more severe issues. Metal braces also tend to be the most affordable option for orthodontic treatment!

Clear Braces

Ceramic braces work the same way as metal braces but with a clear or tooth-colored ceramic material that is less visible. They can often be used for mild to moderate cases and are a great choice for teens and adults.


Invisalign® offers an invisible and comfortable orthodontic alternative to wires and brackets. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign® aligners are virtually invisible, made from smooth medical-grade plastic, and may be removed for eating and brushing. They fit tightly over your teeth, and Dr. Faja-Fernandez will monitor your progress through regular checkups to ensure the treatment is progressing properly.

Acceledent Aura

Acceledent Aura is an innovative new device that uses SoftPulse Technology to speed up your orthodontic treatment. It does this by gently vibrating the teeth, stimulating the bone and soft tissues in your mouth to accelerate tooth movement. As a result, Acceledent Aura can decrease total treatment time by up to 50%, making it an ideal add-on for those looking for a quicker treatment plan.

Factors that determine your treatment style

When embarking on braces treatment, there are several factors that Dr. Faja-Fernandez will take into account to design the most effective and convenient treatment plan:


  • Children and teens generally have the most options when it comes to braces. They can opt for traditional metal or clear ceramic braces depending on the movement needed.
  • Children over the age of fifteen may be good candidates for Invisalign Teen, a customized set of aligners that are nearly invisible and can provide more flexibility in terms of appearance.
  • Adults with mild to moderate misalignment can benefit from clear ceramic braces or Invisalign, while adults with more complex issues may require metal braces.

Amount of movement

  • Severe Misalignment: Traditional metal braces will be the best option for more serious cases with severe misalignment. These braces use brackets and wires to move teeth into place slowly and can handle large amounts of movement.
  • Moderate Misalignment: Clear ceramic braces are another popular option for more moderate cases. They offer a less visible aesthetic than traditional metal braces but provide similar results in a shorter amount of time.
  • Mild Misalignment: For mild cases, Seabreeze Orthodontics offers Invisalign, which can be enhanced with the use of our Accelent Aura technology.
Different Types of Braces: Which One is for Me

Smile confidently with Seabreeze Orthodontics

At Seabreeze Orthodontics, Dr. Faja-Fernandez and our staff will consider all of these factors when determining the best course of treatment. We will also collaborate to create a payment plan that works for you. We look forward to helping you select the right braces for your needs. Contact us today to find out how Seabreeze Orthodontics can get you smiling confidently!